Monday, June 24, 2013


Consistency - steadfast adherence to the same principles, course, form, etc. 


So what does it mean to stay the course? Well to me it has meant that despite any immeasurable odds you must continue. Continue to drive, strive and have the relentless passion to pursue a goal to the end. In my art career, I've had some ups and downs as my work continues to take shape and develop. The "ups" consist of being able to successfully do business and sell my work. The "downs" have been remaining visible by finding new and inventive strategies to market and exhibit my work. In the past I didn't submit to juried exhibitions and shows. With the art world changing and moving away from the traditional gallery representation, the artist is now able to have his or her own voice and vision if they are savvy, consistent and dedicated enough to promote it and create the work. This year I've been extremely diligent in participating in something every month (art showings and writing for and online publication) while documenting my process. I guess I'm kind of creating a blueprint to follow year after year while making subtle changes to be more calculating, consistent and better. The process only works if you can learn and grow from it. It’s all about thinking and learning to solve problems.

  I spent my earlier years as a professional artist studying composition and color theory. In that color theory, I found shades and shadows which lead to innovation and my "thing". As I continue to find new ways to bend my creativity into a visual voice, I sometimes hit a wall. It's not often that I hit this imaginary wall but when I do I am quickly reminded that this is art, it's subjective, THERE ARE NO RULES and what I shape can be whatever I want it to be. I am the craftsman of each individual image and as long as I put a piece of myself in it I can sign it and call the image true. 


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