Tuesday, April 23, 2013


One definition of the word "process" is a systematic series of actions directed to some end. Hmmm. This definition caused me to look up the word "journey" since we use that word so frequently when attempting to describe where we would like to go in our lives. I found, 1. a traveling from one place to another, usually taking a rather long time. 2. passage or progress from one stage to another. Based on those definitions I decided that "process" applies to me. Process spoke to me because it shows you have a sense of where you are going. You are a using a systematically directed approach to reach a goal or end result. In this case my goal is to become a well-established artist with a vast collection of meaningful artwork. I've sold several paintings throughout the years that have gone from my studio to the homes of others; however, there is a hunger for more. I feel that my art work should go on a journey while I work the process. Henry Ward Beecher said it best, "Every artist dips his brush in his own soul, and paints his own nature into his pictures." It's now time to share with the world that which was given freely by God and cultivated by man, ART. So far this month I have submitted a proposal for an artist residency in Houston and a group exhibition in New Orleans. Let the process begin!      

Saturday, April 20, 2013


Welcome to my blog. NEVER did I think that I would create a blog, but I am learning to never say NEVER. As I sit here on this Saturday, April 20th, I continue to feel the need to document the process of completing my art work and most of all my thoughts while creating it. I've searched my soul and decided to make a commitment to build a body of work that will one day be cataloged and remembered. I pray that the work I create will touch someone. I've been watching a lot of the "Flip This House" interior/exterior decorating shows that have a million viewers showing "how" the sausage is made. If these shows can change the life of a family and build a community, why can't the art we produce do the same? I feel that as artists we can be so secretive in the creative process, however, the true soul of the piece comes from within the artist. I feel that even if I show my tips or methods the internal thought that jumps from inside me is still uniquely mine. Although I do have a personal and professional Facebook page, a blog really allows you to get your thoughts out. Who knows, one day my memoirs may be placed in a book and given to my wife and son. Even if that is how far that it goes, I am more than satisfied because these words are directly from my own pen. It is my intent to leave a legacy of spiritual foundation, wisdom, love and wealth. If I continue to use my talents and voice I can one day as Erma Bombeck put it, "...stand before God at the end of my life, I would hope that I would not have a single bit of talent left, and could say, I used everything you gave me."  Below are images from the series of 5 paintings I am currently working on entitled, "Improvisation Quintet" inspired by Roy Hargove's, Strasbourg / St. Denis.