Friday, August 29, 2014


Timing is everything. If we achieve something too quickly we can sometimes take it for granted. As an artist, I have worked at my craft for years to find my voice through my work. I've noticed that some artist have a certain style or a series of work. My eternal quest is to continue to reinvent myself and evolve as an artist, sometimes even from painting to painting. At my core I am a "creative", however, innovation and doing the new dopest freshest thing is my main goal. I've never painted for social or global causes other than the enrichment of humanity. I couldn't imagine the world without art. Art just makes the world better. Acquiring art from various artists in my opinion, shows that you yourself have understood the many levels of your own personality. The art you acquire tells your inward story. As artists, the art we create shares our souls. It's an honor when a client chooses to invest in a piece of work. The ability to give someone happiness in the form of my creativity provides me with a deep sense of satisfaction. Isn't it all about relationship anyway?

"Expressionist art is evolved from letting go of the paint brush and allowing your soul to complete the work." - Corey Mukes

Always have fun with it!

Friday, May 9, 2014


"The World is a book, and those who do not travel read only a page."
Took some time off from my artwork to go and see beautiful Honolulu. Hopefully from the many photos I've taken I can produce at least 5 new paintings expressing the warmth, rich culture and pure beauty of Hawaii. This world is a book full of many pages. I plan to read as many chapters as I can before my time is up. 

While in Hawaii, I had a thought about my work. I am extremely aware of social and economic issues in and out of this country but I have never been drawn to create work based around these topics. I think we all have a calling in this life and we are people of many talents. I've found that while most artist may use their art to depict or relay social issues, I just want to display beauty and use my artwork to make others feel better about life. As I write this, I hope that my work has touched, sparked thought or inspired you in some way. 

Until next time...

Friday, January 24, 2014


Looking at a new year is like looking at a blank canvas. You know the basic dimensions. There are 12 months and 365 days in a year. You know the size and depth of the canvas but the truth is what emerges. It is human nature to constantly look for ones purpose. It is an artists responsibility to search his or her soul and craft the purpose visually on canvas. Each new year should be full of hope, ideas and expectations. As we settle in to this years prolific constitution lets pray we enjoy life, seek balance and find purpose. CREATE!