Friday, May 9, 2014


"The World is a book, and those who do not travel read only a page."
Took some time off from my artwork to go and see beautiful Honolulu. Hopefully from the many photos I've taken I can produce at least 5 new paintings expressing the warmth, rich culture and pure beauty of Hawaii. This world is a book full of many pages. I plan to read as many chapters as I can before my time is up. 

While in Hawaii, I had a thought about my work. I am extremely aware of social and economic issues in and out of this country but I have never been drawn to create work based around these topics. I think we all have a calling in this life and we are people of many talents. I've found that while most artist may use their art to depict or relay social issues, I just want to display beauty and use my artwork to make others feel better about life. As I write this, I hope that my work has touched, sparked thought or inspired you in some way. 

Until next time...

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